Tiny Paintings
I have always loved letter mail and gift-giving, thus in combination with my love of plein-air — the idea for this project was born.
Since one of my trips to Japan in 2019, I have started painting tiny paintings to mail to strangers (through my social media) while I am still in the city. There is something magical about receiving mail in your hands that has a stamp from a foreign land, a little bit tattered, knowing it has travelled through the hands of many humans and maybe even flown hundreds of miles in the air with birds!
So here are snapped photographs of those paintings before I mailed them out, most of which I don't know their whereabouts! Scattered around the world and hopefully loved. Perhaps you have one?
Places tiny paintings have been mailed out from so far:
Japan, Spain, France
If you would like to receive a tiny painting of your own, sign up for my newsletters to be notified when I will be running the event. Or follow me on social media to tag along my travels!